Live-Cast Service
Stream your company events with video live cast.
Considering the companies’ demand for making massive one direction video contacts with their staff or customers or covering their events, IRAN VC Network (SHOOKA) has designed the SHOOKA live cast service for companies and businesses.

Using video conference technology for live cast service gives you this advantage to create an event, congress, meeting or unit video content in different qualities and stream live in order to apply in different solutions for others directly. Your audiences will benefit the possibility to watch your video content easily without installing any application only with a URL, on every kind of browser and on all devices (smartphone or computer).
One of the easiest ways to share an ongoing meeting, conference or an already recorded video for all companies and businesses is SHOOKA live cast service; since your content viewers are able to watch this content without any complication only using a browser to accompany you at the moment. Live cast service is applicable for all solutions like meetings, events, training sessions, product introduction, veridical events (lottery and award donation) or any other application with the management features from the beginning to the end.
You may also record and archive the videos and give access to the users according their demand. The quality of streamed videos could be from 96Kbps to 768Kbps and cover 300 to 5000 viewers simultaneously.
Features of live cast service in order to publish conference pictures
Able to stream live video content in 300 to 5000 points
Able to support different qualities form 96Kbps to 768 Kbps
Access from different devices only having a URL
Features of live cast in order to record meetings
Able to record meetings with different qualities up to maximum FullHD resolution
Video archive feature
Able to record the meetings on all kinds of memory sticks
Recording the conference in MP4 format playable on mobile and computer
Able to record meeting up to 2500 hours in HD
Able to record 5 meetings simultaneously with HD quality and record 15 meetings simultaneously with HD quality